Monday, September 3, 2007

Mommy Monday - Ni-Night

I have never ever met anyone else whose 18 month old child begs for Ni-Night! She baffles me every time she does it.

We were out grocery shopping this morning and on the way to the next store I could see those little eyelids drooping. After we finished up and headed home I did every silly mommy thing I could think of to keep her awake till we got home so we could eat some lunch then take a nap (since through out both stores she kept motion the eat sign to her nose and saying her little short staccato “eat eat"). Once we get home I come around the car in the garage and open the door to "NI-NIGHT! NI-NIGHT!" I asked her "Don't you want to eat some lunch? Aren't you hungry?" Motion the eat sign to my nose too.... I for some reason mimic her little incorrect sign. "NI-NIGHT!"

So after all the silly "vroom!" around each corner and the "Don't you go to sleep!" chants on the way home, I should have just let her fall asleep! I pull off her little shoes and place her into her crib with binky and bear. She settles in right away for her 3 hour nap. Silly Silly Lily! I am so lucky to have her!

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